How To Freeze Dry Bananas ( Fast & Easy )

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Bananas are a universally beloved fruit, yet they tend to have a limited shelf life. Fortunately, if you own a home freeze dryer, you can seize the opportunity during sales or salvage these adored fruits before they become overly ripe. Bananas are rich in fiber, potassium, and healthy carbohydrates. Research suggests they can help reduce blood pressure due to their vasodilatory effects, potentially alleviate asthma in children, and provide a valuable source of cancer-fighting vitamin C, combating free radicals.

If you want to freeze dry bananas to store them long term then my personal recommendation is to use Mylar bags that also come with oxygen absorbers Click here to check it out on

The process of freeze-drying bananas is remarkably straightforward – simply slice them, arrange them closely on trays, and freeze-dry as usual. For a unique twist, consider sprinkling cinnamon on them. For long-term storage, place them in Mylar bags or jars with an oxygen absorber. However, even without an oxygen absorber, they can last for several months in an airtight container on your shelf, making for a wholesome and satisfying snack that can serve as a healthier alternative to high-sugar candies and processed snacks for your children or grandchildren to enjoy.

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How To Freeze Dry Bananas

Prepare The Bananas

To prepare bananas for freeze drying, start by peeling them. Once peeled, you have two primary options: slicing or pureeing. If you choose to slice the bananas, aim for a slice diameter of ¼ to ½ inch, ensuring uniformity in size for consistent drying results. Alternatively, go for pureeing if your goal is to create banana powder, which can be used in various culinary applications. Some individuals also prefer to cut the bananas lengthwise, producing long strips of dried banana. Your choice depends on your preference and intended use.

However, I prefer not to use this method. Achieving uniform thickness with the banana slices can be challenging, and the dried bananas may end up being brittle and prone to breaking. I recommend sticking with banana slices instead for better results. If you want to know what foods have the longest shelf life then check out my recent article ( Top 37 ) Foods With Longest Shelf Life.

Prepare the Freeze Dryer Trays

Bananas, particularly when overripe, tend to adhere to freeze dryer trays. To simplify cleanup, it’s advisable to line the trays with parchment paper.

Select The Amount Of Bananas To Put On The Tray

For each freeze dryer tray, a capacity of around 2 to 2.5 pounds of bananas is typically suitable. It’s crucial to avoid overloading the trays, as this could lead to the need for defrosting in the middle of the cycle, requiring a restart. The maximum batch capacities for Harvest Right freeze dryers are as follows: Small freeze dryer can handle 4-7 pounds, medium freeze dryer accommodates 7-10 pounds, and large freeze dryer can manage 12-16 pounds of food per batch. If you want to know what are the best survival canned foods then check out my recent article ( Top 24 ) Canned Survival Foods.

Pre Freezing Bananas

This step is optional but significantly accelerates the freeze-drying process. Place the loaded freeze-dryer trays into your home freezer for an hour or two. If your home freezer can’t accommodate these trays, freeze the bananas on a separate tray and then transfer them to the freeze dryer trays. Always remember to line these trays with parchment paper to prevent sticking, or consider using silicone trays, as frozen bananas won’t adhere to them.

Start Up The Freeze Dryer

With the pre-freezing step, it will take approximately 24 hours to completely freeze dry the bananas. This pre-freezing process helps reduce the overall freeze-drying time.

Check The Moisture Level

To check the readiness of the freeze-dried bananas, take a banana slice with clean, dry hands and firmly squeeze it between your fingers. If any moisture comes out, it means they’re not completely dry yet. You can extend the drying time by pressing the “add more time” button to finish the process.

For banana puree, use a spoon to scoop some of the dry banana powder. Rub it with the back of another spoon. It should have a gritty texture, and there should be no moisture coming out. If you want to know what are the best bunker foods then check out my recent article ( Top 30 ) Bunker Foods.


When making banana powder, transfer the freeze-dried bananas to a high-speed blender. While a food processor can be used, a blender is more effective. Ensure that everything is completely dry to prevent the powder from sticking to your blender.

Tip: To ensure you don’t waste any powdered banana, use the blender to make a smoothie afterward, as it can be challenging to remove all the powder with just a spoon.

Storing The Freeze Dried Bananas

Freeze-dried bananas, like other freeze-dried foods, readily absorb moisture from the air, so it’s crucial to package and store them promptly. To store freeze-dried banana slices, consider placing them in mason jars. Make sure your hands are dry to prevent the slices from sticking to your fingers. A large funnel can be useful for transferring banana powder into the jars.

For extended storage, the recommended method is to store freeze-dried bananas in Mylar bags along with oxygen absorbers. When packaged this way, freeze-dried bananas can maintain their quality for over 20 years.

Wash The Freeze Dryer Trays

Even when utilizing parchment paper to line the trays, it’s crucial to wash them meticulously. Neglecting this step may result in the residual banana aroma and flavor affecting the next items you freeze-dry.

What Is The Difference Between Freeze Drying And Dehydrating Bananas?

Freeze-drying results in a dry and crunchy texture, while dehydrated bananas are chewier in comparison. Dehydrating typically takes 6 to 30 hours, whereas freeze-drying requires 18 to 35 hours, varying with the type of food. When it comes to cost, a dehydrator is more budget-friendly, priced at around $100 or potentially more for specific models. In contrast, a freeze dryer can cost several thousand dollars.

In terms of shelf life, dehydrated food lasts from a few weeks to a year when stored properly, whereas freeze-dried food can remain viable for up to 25 years if stored correctly. Freeze-dried food can also be reconstituted. Moreover, dehydrated food tends to lose about 40 percent of its nutritional value, while freeze-dried food retains almost all of its nutritional value.

What Chemicals Are Used To Freeze Dry Fruit?

Using a Harvest Right machine for freeze-drying fruit does not require any chemical additives. However, if you wish to prevent browning, you have the option to use vitamin C or ascorbic acid.

Are Freeze Dried Bananas Hard?

Freeze-dried bananas have a firm texture but are not hard; they are crunchy and lack the chewiness of dehydrated bananas.

What Is the Flavor Profile of Freeze-Dried Bananas?

Because freeze drying removes water, it preserves the flavor while reducing moisture, often intensifying the taste. Freeze-dried bananas maintain a true, concentrated flavor and possess a crispy, dry texture.

Is It Possible to Freeze-Dry Whole Bananas?

Absolutely, you can. I suggest halving them to expedite the freeze-drying process. I personally slice mine; this way, I can enjoy them as a convenient snack or crush them into freeze-dried banana powder.

What Is the Freeze-Drying Duration for Bananas?

Freeze-drying bananas typically requires approximately 24 hours. To expedite the process, you can pre-freeze the bananas on the trays. It’s worth noting that sliced bananas tend to dry more rapidly than whole ones. For your convenience, I suggest maintaining a freeze-drying log to monitor run times effectively.

What Is the Shelf Life of Freeze-Dried Bananas?

Freeze-dried bananas, when stored in a Mylar bag with an oxygen absorber, has an impressive shelf life of up to 25 years. I highly recommend including them in your emergency food supply. Alternatively, you can store freeze-dried banana chips in a vacuum-sealed bag for several months or in an airtight container for a few weeks. Don’t forget to label your Mylar bags for easy identification. If you’d like, you can sign up for my newsletter and receive a complimentary sheet of labels that you can print at home.

How To Rehydrate Freeze Dried Bananas

We enjoy freeze-dried banana chips as a convenient snack, or I often create freeze-dried banana powder to enhance the flavor of smoothies and various dishes.

For making banana bread, the ratio is typically 3 parts water to 1 part banana. A whole banana roughly equates to around 1/2 cup of mashed banana. Allow the freeze-dried bananas to soak for approximately 20 minutes, stirring thoroughly. I prefer to use an immersion blender to achieve the desired consistency. Keep in mind that the water amount may need some adjustment, so feel free to add more water or bananas as necessary until you reach the ideal texture.

I frequently use freeze-dried bananas when preparing my one-bowl basic banana bread. While it offers a delicious flavor, it does result in a somewhat denser texture compared to using fresh bananas.

Creative Ways to Incorporate Freeze-Dried Bananas into Your Recipes

Freeze-dried bananas offer tremendous versatility for various culinary applications. You can use them as a delightful addition to your cereal or oatmeal, creating a flavorful and textured mix. For a healthy snack, pair them with your favorite nut butter. To satisfy your sweet tooth, try dipping these banana chips in chocolate for a delicious treat. They also work wonders when rehydrated and used in recipes like banana bread or cakes, imparting a rich banana flavor.

In smoothies, you can incorporate banana slices if you have a high-speed blender; otherwise, banana powder works just as well. Furthermore, these freeze-dried banana pieces make fantastic toppings, adding both crunch and flavor to cakes, muffins, smoothie bowls, or any sweet delicacies you desire.