Shelf Life Ghee ( How To Store It Correctly )

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You’ve stumbled upon a jar of expired ghee in your pantry, and you’re contemplating its disposal. But does ghee actually go bad? Being a product derived from butter, the situation might seem straightforward, yet the answer isn’t that clear-cut. Uncover all the essential details about the shelf life and proper storage of ghee.

What Is Ghee?

Ghee, originating from India, is a type of clarified butter. Traditionally crafted from sour milk, the process involves heating unsalted butter until the water content evaporates, followed by browning the milk solids before removing them. This results in the extraction of pure butterfat. The distinct browning step sets ghee apart from regular clarified butter, even if prepared using sweet cream butter instead of traditional sour milk.

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Incorporated widely in Indian, Asian, and Middle Eastern cuisines, ghee holds a significant culinary presence. Its elevated smoke point renders it a superb choice for cooking oil, and it can serve as a suitable alternative to butter for individuals with lactose intolerance. Beyond its culinary applications, ghee finds its place in traditional Indian medicine due to its reputed health advantages. If you want to know how to store beef tallow then check out my recent article Store Beef Tallow ( For Long Shelf Life ).

Does Ghee Go Bad?

Ghee does have a shelf life, although it remains in good condition for an extended period when stored correctly. Its remarkable stability comes from being devoid of the milk solids that cause butter to spoil. Unlike dairy products, ghee is shelf-stable and behaves more akin to vegetable oils typically stored in the pantry.

Ghee maintains its quality for a minimum of 1 to 2 years, yet its condition can deteriorate if stored excessively or under unfavorable conditions.

An unopened jar of ghee can be safely stored in a dark place, such as a kitchen cabinet, away from sunlight and at room temperature for about nine months. Once opened, the jar can remain in the room-temperature cabinet for up to six months, or you can opt to store it in the refrigerator for up to a year. When storing ghee outside of the refrigerator, it’s important to choose a location that isn’t overly humid. Excessive humidity or higher temperatures in a particular area of the room could potentially affect the shelf life of your ghee. If you want to know how to store goose fat then check out my recent article Store Goose Fat ( Shelf Life & Storing ).

Can I Freeze My Ghee?

Were you aware that you have the option to purchase Full Moon Ghee in larger quantities? Indeed, it’s a fact, and it comes with cost savings. If you’re a ghee enthusiast, buying in bulk might be an appealing choice. Yet, for the average ghee aficionado, a gallon of ghee could be more than can be enjoyed before its quality diminishes. But don’t fret, as there’s good news, freezing ghee is a viable solution.

If you find yourself with a substantial amount of ghee that you’d like to keep for future use, the preservation process is quite straightforward. Start by dividing the ghee into smaller containers that are safe for freezing (freezer bags are suitable, but for extended freezing, consider double-wrapping to prevent freezer burn). Be sure to label the containers and then proceed to store them in the freezer. If you want to know the shelf life of canola oil then check out my recent article Shelf Life Of Canola Oil ( Storing, Shelf Life, and Signs of Deterioration ).

How Long Does Ghee Last?

Unopened store-bought glass jars of ghee can remain in the pantry until the indicated expiration date on the container, typically lasting one to two years from the packaging date. With proper storage, unopened ghee jars can maintain their quality for several months beyond that timeframe. For opened jars of ghee, whether stored in the pantry or the refrigerator, it’s advisable to use them within six months to ensure optimal quality.

Homemade ghee prepared using your preferred recipe can be stored in the pantry for up to three months or in the refrigerator for a duration of one year. By ensuring proper storage, such as appropriate conditions and sealing, ghee often remains viable beyond the indicated date and suggested storage durations. However, pinpointing the exact duration beyond the printed date is challenging. Consequently, relying on the printed date or storage timeframe is less effective. It’s advisable to continue using your ghee as long as there are no indications of spoilage.

What can I do to prolong the Shelf Life of Ghee?

Prolonging the shelf life of clarified butter primarily hinges on appropriate storage practices. Storing ghee in a well-sealed container and placing it in a dark environment like a pantry, refrigerator, or freezer is crucial. This safeguards it from factors like heat, oxygen, and direct sunlight, which can lead to rancidity. Employing correct storage methods can extend the shelf life of ghee beyond two years.

When is it time to dispose of ghee?

It’s advisable to discard your ghee, even if it hasn’t reached its expiration date. Here are the indications to be aware of:

  1. Discoloration or Mold Growth: Discoloration can occur if your ghee container isn’t properly sealed, leading to moisture and potential bacterial contamination. Always inspect for mold or discoloration before using ghee.
  2. Rancidity: Ghee can turn rancid due to oxidation, prolonged exposure to heat, light, moisture, or air. Rancid ghee has a sour taste, unpleasant odor, and might appear white instead of its usual yellow color.
  3. Age: Over time, even under optimal storage conditions, oils naturally degrade in quality. If your ghee has been sitting in the pantry for years, it’s a good idea to dispose of it and get a fresh jar.
  4. Unpleasant Smell or Taste: Trust your senses. If your ghee lacks its characteristic mild sweetness and nutty flavor, it’s best to err on the side of caution and discard it.

How to Store Ghee

Unless otherwise specified on the container, store your ghee in a cool, dim area away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture—such as a room-temperature pantry. Proper storage is key to prevent spoilage of your ghee. Adhere to these straightforward guidelines to maintain your ghee’s quality over time:

  1. Choose an Airtight Container: Opt for a well-sealed container to shield your ghee from contaminants. If it’s in a glass jar, securely seal it after use. Always use a clean, dry utensil to scoop or pour from the container.
  2. Extend Shelf Life with Refrigeration: Refrigerated ghee can stay good for up to a year, even after opening. Similar to coconut oil, refrigeration changes its consistency from liquid to solid, yet it should still be soft enough for sautéing or spreading. If it’s too firm to scoop, allow it to reach room temperature in a cool, shaded spot.
  3. Long-Term Freezer Storage: Freezing can theoretically preserve ghee indefinitely, although quality may gradually decline. Freeze ghee in an airtight container or freezer-safe bag, and label it with the date for tracking. Avoid repeated freezing to prevent freezer burn. When defrosting, place the ghee in the refrigerator overnight.

What is the Best Choice for Ghee?

Ghee can be derived from the butter of cows, goats, or buffaloes. However, ghee made from A2 cow milk, particularly sourced from Desi (preferably Gir) cows, is often considered the superior choice for achieving the highest quality ghee. Whether you are crafting ghee at home or seeking a store-bought brand, take into account the following criteria:

  1. Grass-fed cows: Opt for ghee derived from grass-fed cows to maximize its nutritional value.
  2. Organic: Choose organic options to avoid genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
  3. Unsalted butter: Select unsalted butter to have better control over the amount and type of salt in the ghee.

Homemade ghee is generally regarded as the optimal variety, especially if you can obtain ingredients from reputable sources. This approach enables you to ensure the absence of undesirable additives. If you are located near an Amish community or a trustworthy farmer, they might offer organic and quality butter suitable for ghee production. While sourcing authentic Desi cow milk may be challenging in the US and Canada, you might find it easier to acquire dairy products from Brahman cows, an American cattle breed with origins in India.

Drawbacks of Ghee Consumption

As previously highlighted, ghee boasts numerous health benefits, positioning it as a superfood. However, while incorporating ghee into your diet, it’s essential to be mindful of potential side effects and downsides. Familiarizing yourself with these drawbacks can safeguard your family’s well-being in the long term.

While ghee is a wholesome choice for cooking fats, its healthiness can be compromised if utilized in the deep frying of confections. Ghee-based sweets tend to be excessively high in sugar, and regular consumption may contribute to weight gain. Nevertheless, ghee remains a healthier option for frying compared to conventional vegetable oils, boasting a notably high smoke point of 485 °F (251°C), ensuring superior frying performance compared to most seed oils.

It’s imperative to avoid combining ghee with specific foods. The mixture of ghee and honey, for instance, can produce a toxin named Clostridium Botulinum, potentially leading to stomach discomfort, respiratory issues, and other illnesses.

Lastly, a financial aspect to consider is that genuine, high-quality ghee can be quite expensive. Learning to craft ghee at home presents an opportunity for significant long-term savings.

Key Takeaways

Storing ghee for an extended period or under unfavorable conditions can lead to spoilage. Typically, ghee spoils by turning rancid, resulting in a harsh and bitter taste. Additionally, contamination can cause mold or unwanted substances to develop on its surface. While refrigeration isn’t mandatory, it significantly extends the quality of ghee, especially once opened.

At room temperature, opened ghee maintains its quality for approximately 3 to 6 months, while in the fridge, it can last a year or more, effectively doubling its storage lifespan. Unopened ghee remains satisfactory for around two years before noticeable deterioration sets in. However, it’s essential to recognize that these timeframes are estimates. Instead of relying solely on them, it’s wiser to use your ghee as long as it remains free from spoilage indications.