How To Bury Money ( In 7 Easy Steps )

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People who tend to have a lot of cash at hand do not have a lot of options when it comes to hiding them, the more cash they have the harder it will be to hide it. You have probably already seen a couple of movies where somebody has buried money, especially pirate movies. However, burying money is not ideal, most paper currency will rot or deteriorate if it comes in contact with water.

To keep your stacks of items organized and secure, it’s recommended to use rubber bands to hold them in place. When it comes to storing important documents or paper currency, utilizing a basement can be a viable option. However, it’s essential to take precautions to prevent damage, such as crisping or mildew buildup, when burying paper currency. Careful consideration should be given to the choice of storage containers. Opt for well-sealed plastic containers that can effectively protect the currency from environmental elements.

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Burying money is a fairly old practice, people have been doing it for thousands of years. Generally speaking, most people will bury their money in desperate times, hoping that when things go back to normal they can once again use their money without any problem. When the Roman Empire left the British island, the local ruling class found its money to be worthless, so they buried most of their money.

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Even today after thousands of years people are still finding buried money, and as technology progresses it is becoming easier to find buried money. The main difference between burying money thousands of years ago and today is that today’s money is mostly made out of paper, which can be damaged extremely easily when it comes in contact with water. Generally speaking, most people who bury their money today will put the money in a waterproof bag, in order to protect it from being damaged by water.

While this is a good idea, but if you are planning to bury money then you have to be extra careful. What most people do not think about is the different burrowing animals, such as mice and rats. These animals can chew through the plastic bag easily, and once the waterproof seal is broken it is only a matter of time before the money will start to rot. If you are worried about a recession then check out my recent article What to buy before a recession ( Top 14 Items ).

How To Bury Money

Burying money can be a method used by some individuals for safekeeping or in preparation for emergencies. If you decide to bury money, it’s important to take certain precautions. First, choose a suitable container such as a waterproof and airtight bag or container. Ensure that the container is durable and will not deteriorate over time. Find a discreet and secure location to bury the money, preferably on your property.

Dig a hole deep enough to prevent accidental discovery and make sure to mark the spot discreetly for your own reference. Consider protecting the container with additional materials like a sealed plastic bag or wrapping it in a protective material to prevent moisture damage. Finally, remember to keep accurate records of the buried money, including the location and any other relevant details.

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Find A Good Location

Your first step when it comes to burying money is to find a good spot where to do it. Generally speaking, most people who bury money will do it in their backyard, as it is easily accessed and they can keep an eye on the area. On the other hand, there are some people who bury their money in a remote location, both ideas are good but it depends on what works best for you. If you live in an area that is prone to flooding then you should definitely not bury money in that area.

If you do not own the actual plot of land then you probably shouldn’t bury your money there, who knows who owns the plot of land and you might wake up one day and see that there is a construction crew working at the location. If you own a plot of land then you should bury the money there, if you live in a rented house or apartment then you should find another location for your money. If you want to bury your money because you are prepping for an economic collapse, then check out my recent article How to prepare for economic collapse ( In 22 Steps ).

Dig 5ft Deep The Hole

The second step is to dig the actual hole, how deep it should be will depend on the type of soil in which you are digging. Generally speaking, you should dig a hole that is 5 ft deep, you might think that this is deep but the deeper your money is buried the safer it will be. If you do not dig a deep enough hole then the roots of plants will puncture your container or waterproof bags and water will start rotting the money in no time.

In addition to this the deeper you dig the less water will go through that layer, just do not dig so deep that you actually find water. As a general rule, you should dig your hole in an area that is far away from trees. Trees tend to have a strong root system, which with some time can destroy the container and the money as well. If you are wondering why preppers invest in silver then check out my recent article Why preppers invest in silver? ( Top 7 Reasons ).

Leave No Signs Of Digging

It is extremely easy to spot a place where somebody has been digging, usually, the dirt will be disturbed and plants will not grow on it for some time. When you start digging make sure to dig the top layer of grass carefully in such a way that you can simply place the top layer grass back on top. This way nobody will notice that you have been digging there. Once you have buried the money you should always water the surrounding area, this way the grass can bounce back.

Vacuum Seal The Money

Depending on how much money you want to bury, you will have to use a vacuum sealer. Simply take a stack of money and vacuum seal it, this way no air will come in contact with the money and it will also protect against water damage. You should do this with coins as well, although it is not a good idea to bury coins and money in the same place, as water will deteriorate both of them eventually.

Place The Money Into PVC Pipes

The PVC pipes will be just another layer of protection for your money. Take the vacuum-sealed money and place them into PVC pipes, and cover the pipes with PVC lids. For extra safety, you should glue the PVC lids onto the pipes, this way no water should leak inside. You can also use duct tape as another layer of safety, for more information check out my recent article Preppers uses for duct tape ( Top 44 Uses ).

Use Heavy-duty Garbage Bags

Now that you have your money in vacuum-sealed bags, and in PVC pipes it is time to add another layer of protection, place the PVC pipes into heavy-duty garbage bags. This will be another layer of protection against water and rodents as well. For extra safety, you should use several heavy-duty garbage bags.

Use A Plastic Container

The last layer of safety will be a plastic container, this will hold everything which I have described above. Plastic containers are not the best to deter rodents from destroying the container, but metal containers will be destroyed sooner or later due to rust. Ideally, you should pick a plastic container that is as thick as possible, food-grade plastic containers are also good but not ideal as these tend to be fairly thin.

Some people also place pesticides and herbicides in the plastic container, if you have a big problem with weeds and with other pests then you should add some. In addition to this, some people will drill holes in the bottom of the container so that the water has a place where to drain out, this is not necessary and in the long run, it might do more harm than good. If you want to know how to store silver safely then check out my recent article How to store silver safely ( In 10 Steps ).

Key Takeaways

  • You can bury money by preparing the money to be buried by vacuum sealing and placing the money in zip lock bags. The more layers of protection the money has against water the safer it will be. Once the money is prepared you should find a good spot to bury the money and dig a 5ft deep hole. In addition to this, you should also place the zip locked money into a plastic container and bury it that way, for extra safety.
  • Choose a secure and discreet location for burying money, such as a waterproof container buried in a hidden spot on your property.
  • Take precautions to ensure the money is well-sealed and protected from moisture, insects, and other potential damage. Additionally, keep detailed notes or markers to remember the burial location accurately.